Machen Sie Ihre Messer präzise scharf mit dem Warthog Sharpeners Curve Messerschärfer. Das langlebige Design aus Kunststoff und die einfache Bedienung machen ihn zum perfekten Helfer für draußen und unterwegs. Jetzt kaufen und perfekte Schärfe erleben!
Versatility in perfectionWhether you want to sharpen kitchen knives such as steak knives, peeling knives, carving knives, santoku knives or vegetable knives, the Warthog Multi Edge Sharpener is your reliable partner in the kitchen. Its flexibility and versatility make it an essential tool for any professional chef.Unrivalled sharpnessThis knife sharpener is supplied with a 600 grit stone. You can also choose between 325 and 1000 grit.Professional performance, easy to useSharpening your knives is easy with the Warthog Sharpeners Multi Edge Knife Sharpener. Its intuitive handling and user-friendly design make it the ideal tool for professional chefs. Sharpening knives to professional standards has never been easier.Taking cookery to a new levelDiscover the endless possibilities of sharpening with the Warthog Sharpeners Multi Edge knife sharpener. This sharpener sets new standards in precision and performance. Invest in quality and feel the difference with every cut.
Dieser innovative Messerschärfer ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Messer in vier verschiedenen Winkeln zu schärfen und dabei ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen. Mit seinem robusten ABS-Kunststoffgehäuse ist er zudem besonders widerstandsfähig und langlebig.
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Our cookies provide the extra sharp finish
Don't worry, our cookies aren't hungry for your data - they're just anonymously collating information to help us show you the most relevant content. If you click on ‘Accept all cookies’, you say ‘Yes’ to our virtual grinding station and help us to make our website even sharper for you. If not, everything will remain a little blunter - but who wants to work with a blunt knife? More information